Its Your Money
I recently read about a guy that played the lottery and thought he had won about $200,000 and some change when his numbers matched the numbers in his local newspaper. The newspaper printed the number wrong and what the guy actually won was about $3.00.
Well, he's upset and instead of just marking that up to the "shit happens" file, he went out a hired a lawyer to sue somebody.
Now just who is he going to sue? Not the lottery people, they got the number right. If the guy had an internet connection, or had just verified the numbers at the place where he had bought them, he'd have his $3.00 by now. He can try to sue the paper, but newpaper people are smart. They usually have a little disclaimer at the bottom of the winning lottery numbers that says the numbers need to be verified by the lottery commission before they submit a claim. And they most likley printed a correction the next day.
No, the big winner will be the lawyer. He will charge his fee and hopfully this won't make it to trial and will be throw out as frivilous.
I should have gone to law school.
In the my money department, I was playing on-line poker and lost big time (well..$50 is big time to me) One hand that I thought was a sure thing was I was dealt two aces as my pocket cards. The flop came next and showed three 10's. Wow, and full house 10's full of aces, but wouldn't you know the guy next to me had a 10. He was dealt a 10 and a 3 and I was raising pre-flop. Who keeps cards like that?? Anyway, my little voice told me he had the 10 because he was raising to my calls. I must have lost $15 on that hand. ( I was in a $1/2 limit room). I pretty much went tilt after that trying to get my losses back.