Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I am so over

I need to post more.
I am so over the whole Jennifer Wilbanks, run away bride. I just don't understand the whole media appeal thing. The network will air her interview with Katie Curic (I know its spelled wrong, just to lazy to look it up) and I for one will not be watching. The radio station that I listen to in the morning wanted people to call in and let them know it they were going to watch. The majority said no.
I really can't believe after a whole month has gone by that she is still in the news. Aren't there more important things to report about. I really believe that the media was disappointed when she turned up alive and wasn't killed by her boy friend.
Let her have her $500 thousand, it will be one book I will not read, one made for TV movie that I will not watch.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Should I be Happy

Should I be happy that the woman I expressed my love to and pretty much through it back at me, expressed her love to some guy and he treated her the same way she treated me? No, I"m not going to gloat about it. Its just bad karma. You know what they say, what comes around goes around.