Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Can You Just Answer The Question?

I said I wasn't going to post much about the job, but I just got to get this off my chest. One of the things that I just hate is when you ask someone a question the answer that comes back is "go ask your manager".
Why is that? Are you to busy to stop talking to you husband/wife/son/daughter/love of your life to give me an answer? I'll accept a "I don't know".
When you tell me to go ask my manager, you might have just well told me that you are to busy and stop wasting my time.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The 9 to 5

I haven't really got into the full spirit of blogging. I'm not an open book. There are still some things that I would rather not post so the world can read. One of those things would be my job. I like what I do and I work for a nice company with the CEO right down the hall. So there's not a lot of secrets to expose.
But last week, I learned how someone gets fired. One of our IT guys was let go because "he wasn't a good fit". They let him work until Friday and then they will call all the other guys into a meeting ore even let you go home a little early. Our office cubes are pretty open so they don't want people sitting around watching the guy clean out his desk. I can understand that.
I guess the good news if you are let off early on a Friday afternoon, then your job is still safe.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Are you kidding me?!!

Oh, lady Luck, you sexy temptress. You gave me a wink showed me a little skin then turned your back on me.
On my lunch break the other day I went home for lunch (I only live a few minutes from my apartment) and decided to play a little Party Poker.
I was doing ok, win a little, lose a little. Just before I was going to stop and go back to work, I was dealt an Ace and 7 of diamond. Sometimes I just throw these away because the odd of getting a flush are against me, but having the Ace made me keep them and call to see the flop.
The two of the three flop cards were diamonds, so I decided to stay in, but the guy across from me was raising all calls. The turn card was a 6 of diamonds, I had my Ace high flush. High odds of winning the pot. The guy across from me was still raising all calls. I was playing at a $1/$2 and the pot had grown to about $32. The River card didn't matter because I already had my winning hand, but what did the guy raising me have?
Ok, show the cards, the guy had a pocket pair of 6's, one 6 on the flop and another for the turn. Four of a kind!! Are you kidding me??!!
Oh Lady luck you sultry tart, you tantalizing sexy demon. How you tricked me with your evil ways. But I will be back, and it will be me on top of you. I just might slap you around a little bit, not to hard, mind you, just to get the blood flowing! Yes, I'll be waiting for you, soon as I sell some of my blood so I can play again.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Can you hear me?

I'm a law and order guy, but I'm also a defender of the Constitution. Apparently our President has forgotten his oath of office. You know the one that says "I'll defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic". I should know, I've taken the same oath when I joined the Army and reenlisted about 6 times.
This illegal wire-tapping has me bothered. The Prez says he is doing it to protect the American people and I understand that is his job, but if you suspect there is something to hear then get a court order. What's the problem with that. If we allow this to go on then what's the next step, illegal search and seizure? Isn't that one of the things we fought against the British in the War for Independence?
They tell me that terrorist attacked this country because of the freedoms that we have. They say we have to give up some of those freedoms to fight terrorist. If that's the case then what have we won?