Can you hear me?
I'm a law and order guy, but I'm also a defender of the Constitution. Apparently our President has forgotten his oath of office. You know the one that says "I'll defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic". I should know, I've taken the same oath when I joined the Army and reenlisted about 6 times.
This illegal wire-tapping has me bothered. The Prez says he is doing it to protect the American people and I understand that is his job, but if you suspect there is something to hear then get a court order. What's the problem with that. If we allow this to go on then what's the next step, illegal search and seizure? Isn't that one of the things we fought against the British in the War for Independence?
They tell me that terrorist attacked this country because of the freedoms that we have. They say we have to give up some of those freedoms to fight terrorist. If that's the case then what have we won?
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