Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Technology Challenged

One of the things that I dislike about working in the IT field is that the people around you that are the Admin Exec's the Exec's all the kinds of people that make up a business, thing that just because you are the "IT Guy" that you everything about anything that plugs into a wall or has batteries. Or that you know about every aspect of every piece of software that was ever written.
The other day I get a call from one of the Executive Admins because her boss set an iPod on her desk and asked her to figure it out. Well, A. It came with an instruction manual that I would have to read, and B. Its not company property so I don't have to do anything anyway.

Another thing that bothers me is when an Executive admin person takes on the persona of the person that they admin for. The exec's are bad enough. I had one tell me that her boss's PC was running slow and they would both need a new one. Ok, we can get you a new PC, and while I'm at it, let me just re-write the windows program and re-wire the network in this 30 year old building. Its never the user, always the PC is the problem.

Technology is not all that baffling. But if you find problems with technology why would you even try the self checkout stations at the Kroger or Walmart. It never fails that someone will scan an item and not put it in the bag and wonder why it doesn't work. They have to call the clerk over for just about everything they scan. Don't put the stuff in your shopping cart until after your last item! The instructions are right there, in two languages!

But anyway..How was your day?


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