Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Where Have I Been?

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. Don't know if there is anybody out there that has been hanging on my every word, but there really just hasn't been anything going on in my life. Its been wake up, go to work, come home, go to sleep and who wants to read that. However there has been a lot of stuff going on in the world. The war in Iraq is still going on, New Orleans was all but wiped out by hurricane Katrina, and Ophelia is churning up the Atlantic off the coast of N. Carolina. Here's a random thought, hurricanes are named with alternating male and female names in alphabetical order. Well between Katrina dn Ophelia we seem to be missing 3 letters. Wonder where those hurricanes went. I guess we could always blame the prez. I promise to write something in here a little more often. I could always complain about traffic.


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