Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A Jumper

Two jumpers in a weeks time. The 1st one was bad. He caused businesses to be closed down, construction workers to miss work and you know most of these folks get paid by the hour.
Everybody knows that they aren't really going to jump, and IMHO the easist way to get them down is to withhold the thing that they desire most - attention. The first guy, they should have just told the guy, hey we are going to give you an hour and then we are going to pack up and go, open up the street below and let the construction workers back on the site. If he is still up there when that crane starts wizzing around again, making him dizzy, he'll come down.
The police can't win either way things go. If the guy jumps, they didn't do enough to save him. If he stays up there to long, they didn't do enough to get him down.
Watch the news, in a few weeks the man's family (or even the guy himself) will sue the construction company for not having enough safeguards in place to prevent him from climbing that crane.
Yesterday, we had a copy cat crane crawler. He was just messed up in the head. They talked him down with cigarettes and donuts. Its good to have a cause!
I wonder if other cities have the same problem. We had a rash of bridge jumpers in the past. Can't folks think of more interresting ways to off themselfs?
I'm out


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