Regular or High octane?
After two big hurricanes hit this country in the refinery belt gas prices are going to get nothing but higher and higher. I hate to pay for higher gas prices just like the other guy, but on the flip side maybe they need to stay high.
Here are some of the things high gas prices would force people to do.
Say goodbye to the gas-guzzling SUV. I've never really understood why a 110 pound housewife needs a Tahoe to haul around 1.5 kids to school, or buy groceries, or to soccer practice. Folks in Europe have been doing the same thing with smaller vehicles for years.
And why do we allow parents drive their kids to school every single day? I understand there are doctor and dentist appointments, but drive by a school one morning and there are two traffic control points. School buses and parent drop-offs. Put all the kids on the bus, let the parents know that they will not longer accommodate a drop-off point and see if there is a reduction in morning traffic. With high gas prices, parents might have a second though about having their kids ride the bus anyway.
People might get more exercise. With high gas prices they might walk or ride bikes to get around. With all the bike riders, city governments will have to plan new roads with bike or walk paths. I live close enough to my work that I could ride a bike, but as it is now, I would most like get run down. And maybe we will see a resurrection of the neighborhood store.
City governments would also be forced to plan better mass transit. Buses and trains to cover more areas. I ride Marta here in Atlanta, and I would ride it more, but it just doesn't go every place I go.
When employees start calling in to their bosses that they can't come to work, because they can't afford gas to get there, then maybe businesses will take a closer look at telecommunting.
And last but not least, maybe there will also be a resurrection of train travel. I miss train travel, the clackty clack of the tracks.
These are just a few things that I see..add some of your own.
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