Sunday, October 02, 2005

Dazed and confused

The price of gas is back up again. Its the first time I paid over $30 to fill up my tank. Here are some radical ideas to save gas and energy.
All those stores that stay open 24 hours. Lets close them down at 9 pm. With all the stores closing at 9 or if the store is a little bigger like a Walmart, 10 pm, people won't have anywhere to go and they will get their butts at home.
Lets close the night clubs at 1 am. What's the reason you go to a night club anyway. Get drunk, pick up chicks, guys, have a good time with your friends? Face, it you can get drunk way before 1 am, and after you're drunk, you need to be home anyway. And if you can't pick up a chick or a guy before midnight, you might as well just go home. And if you are trying to have a conversation with your friends, the music is way to loud, and don't get me started on the smoke. Besides, ask any police officer, nothing good happens after midnight anyway.


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