Friday, February 03, 2006

There ought to be a law.

We have whistle blower laws that protect people from being fired or harassed for exposing things that are unethical or against the law.

So what we need are Common Sense Laws. This law would protect the common man from being fired or sued because they used some common sense to solve a problem.

Here is an example: I read about a mall in Australia somewhere that when two people tried to leave the mall and get to their cars the Security Guard wouldn't allow the wheel chairs they were using to leave the mall because they were mall property. Both of these people suffered from carpal palsy. One had to crawl to his car and the other was carried by his sister. I would imagine that the Mall Cop was worried about his job if he had allowed the wheel chairs to leave the mall, since this was against mall policy. But if there was a Common Sense Law, he would have allowed the wheel chairs to leave the mall and transport the handicapped to their cars. In one case, the sister could have even brought the chair back.

Here's another example: A five year old boy was not allowed to get on a plane because his name was on a no-fly list and a terrorist watch list. Of course the Airline was just following order of the Homeland Security Directives, but if there was a Common Sense Law in place, the Airline would have let the boy fly. He was traveling with his parents, they were allowed to fly.

There is just to many people afraid to make decisions that they know are right because they are against a policy and are afraid of losing their jobs. We need to get some Common Sense Laws on the books.


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